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Hungry for Home: Provel cheese

CNN, New York, NY.

When I moved to New York eleven years ago, I got a lot of blank stares when I told people I was from St. Louis. Some people would say genius things like “Oh right, you have that arch,” or my favorite, “I’ve been in the airport, is there anything in the city?”

People went out of their way to tell me I spoke weirdly. Cab drivers consistently tried to take me on long rides around the city, thinking I was a tourist. I got really homesick after six months.

To cheer myself up I decided to make a St. Louis-style, crisp-crust, square-sliced pizza. I went to my local grocery store to buy supplies. They had everything I needed except the most important ingredient, Provel cheese.

Provel is a little hard to describe. It’s processed, gooey, a little smoky and when heated is takes on the qualities of molten lava. It’s really just delicious and it tastes like home.

I looked all around the store, but there was none to be found. My neighborhood market was never that well stocked, so I had the brilliant idea of going to the fancy grocery store. Their cheese selection was amazing; of course they would have it. I ran up the street knowing I was that much closer to achieving my goal.

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